Saturday, November 28, 2009

Kinsey and Brody

I wanted to try some pictures at the American Fork Ampitheater so I took Kinsey and Brody there. I needed to do Brody's nine month pictures anyways. Tyler hates sweater vests but I think it goes well with the mohawk. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Micah and Ginette

I had the pleasure of taking this couple's engagement photos. They were such good sports and tried whatever I told them to do. It was great practice for me and I hope you find one you like.

Courtney Larue

Meet Courtney Larue Edwards. In these pictures she is almost 3 weeks old. She is so precious and I had fun taking her pictures.

Nicole and Kids October 2009

There is a really cool place in Lehi behind Nook and Cranny antique store that is very popular for photography. I took Nicole and her kids there for some Christmas card pics. They turned out so cute...

Halloween fun

Here Brody is 8 mos. Kinsey is a with and Brody is Spider-baby...

Ayden's 6 mos photos

This is my nephew Ayden. He was fun to shoot and lasted a long time so we were able to try alot of different things on him.